Haven’t much time to chalk up the Rafa loss, suffice to say that I didn’t think a Rafa Slam was going to happen.
I can’t entirely explain this; it just felt like it represented a level of perfection that ought to remain beyond us, at least for a while. And it seems the universe agrees with me.
Even Fed’s awesome 23 Slam SF streak came to an end.
If it hadn’t been a hamstring it would have been something else – like maybe losing to a better player on the day.
We certainly ought to be thankful it wasn’t a knee complaint. I wish him well.
Ferru of course enters the semis by rights. I’m very happy for him – he has a better chance against Muzz than most appear prepared to give him.
And if Djoko somehow gets past Fed (I certainly don’t expect a repeat of Flushing), we’ll have a Ferru v Djoko final.
I don’t care to speculate beyond that other than to reiterate my support for Muzz.
One other thing. The point scoring that occurs every time something like this happens is beginning to grate.
Injuries are part and parcel of the game now more than ever. It’s good to recognise instances of class and sportsmanship whenever they occur as they did in this case with Rafa refusing to throw in the towel and the very reflective presser he gave.
I respect both Nadal and Fed for their achievements and their comportment over the years – we’ll miss it when its gone.
I can do without the Rafaelite street parades celebrating how classy Rafa is every time this happens – it is after all something we already know. Just as I can do without the touchy, pre-emptive shoring-up of their man by an overly defensive Federnation
Sometimes an injury is just an injury.