I try hard with Davis Cup, I really do.
And I had what likely constitutes more than my fair share of coverage this weekend with both the Spain/Israel tie and the GB/Poland zonal play off on offer.
Still it seems some things are simply not meant to be.
Spain are through to the finals 3-0. But it's the other finalists that had the more interesting route through, one which unfortunately wasn't on my schedule.
The Czech Republic also came through in straights against Croatia, but the big story was of course that now infamous match involving Radek Stepanek putting in almost 'I am Legend' like levels of resistance opposite a record breaking barrage of 78 aces from Ivo Karlovic, in a match that lasted 5 hours and 59 minutes. One of the longest ever in Davis Cup history.
I'd have liked to have seen this one. Obviously.
But what I'm more keen to understand is, how that even happened.
Just how does one claim the equivalent of nearly 20 games worth of free points, yet still go on to lose the match?
I know, I know, Radek wormed his way through the key points.
But doesn't being made to withstand such a frenzied assault place a unique set of demands on your psyche?
Imagine if you will, the thoughts circling through the head of a man, standing there to receive serve, chastened by the knowledge that any efforts he might dare to expend at reading his opponents serve, are more or less in vain.
Chastened by the knowledge, that Ivo's serve, surely one of the most bankable tennis resources ever, will almost certainly secure him the first break.
Chastened by the knowledge that such a break will in all likelihood cede the entire set.
You can normally only weather that type of an assault for a couple of sets.
Ivo was clearly having a good serving day, even by his 'lofty' standards; and that normally signals tie breaks. Tie breaks that should in theory, also break the spirit of all but the most resolute, or the most brash of players.
I'm thinking Radek's indefatigable brand of brashness must now be approaching immeasurable levels on the Richter Scale of insolence.
It's an imprecise art getting into your opponents head, but one in which he seems uniquely blessed.
Ivo's verdict? "Everything hurts".