Needless to say I was a MAJOR Bruce fan growing up. That'd be Lee, not Springsteen. Or Forsyth for that matter.
His fluidity, philosophy, and economy of movement translate to the tennis court rather well I think, given it's arguably more of a mental than a physical game.
'Enter the Dragon', to this day remains one of my favourite movies, a deserved cult classic and the GOAT of the martial arts genre.
Can you imagine the speed, and the levels of hand eye coordination he would have brought to the game, if he'd ever picked up a tennis racquet?
Alas, that's destined to remain a fantasy.
What's not a fantasy is the way Federer hits his forehand; I've always thought there's something Bruce-like about the way in which Fed keeps his eyes centred at the point of impact well after the ball has left his racquet.
"Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory..."