There’s only two women remaining in the draw who I’d tolerate (and only tolerate) Sveta losing to. And one of them beat her today.
I heard a lot on the lack of French support Gael got against Fed today – no such problem here. She might as well have been lifting the trophy itself. Which of course she still might.
Marion barely flinched. It was that good – almost as good as Wimby 2007, except of course that the court was a lot slower. The only way to compete when she’s hitting as cleanly as this is to try and get her off balance – but you can only do that if you are somehow able to stop her dictating, and you can only do that if you can get a shot in edgeways.
Sveta played well for the most part considering, but simply lacked focus in the second set, and struggled with what should have been routine putaways. Whether that’s because Marion wore her down or Sveta was simply being Sveta, is neither here nor there.
The better lady won. And no it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if she won the whole damn thing. She may even get a clothing sponsor. The only reason she wasn’t at the top of my list is I didn’t expect her to get this far.