I don't like the speediness of the unravelling that snowballed from the end of the second set. I mean where in the hell did that come from!? It's less worrying if you come in on the back of some consistently less polished form, or have a physical ailment (like Nando and his butt) - but he was alright early on this week (particularly against Dent), was he not? Or was I watching a different guy out there? More worrying if direness like that creeps up on you inexplicably. I mean what if that happens in a Slam final? I guess it already did.
I don't like the stat of 47 UFEs.
I don't like it that for a part of set three, Roger ran the complete gamut of UFEs (double faults, beyond the baseline, bottom of the net) - all over the course of only two games.
I do like the 'totalling' of the racquet - it benefited him four years back in the final against Nadal at this very event, when he managed to come back from 2 sets down. That was back in the day when they still played 5 setters. But to my knowledge has only done it on one other occasion - I seem to remember it happening against Nalbandian 2-3 years back. Daveed was as bewildered as everyone else. Far away somewhere Marat is quietly raising a toast to Roger and his 'totalling'. Welcome to the club Roger. Club-Marat.
I don't like it that Djoko's managed to secure this 'win' with some pretty appalling stats of his own - 22/30 winners to UFEs from what I remember.
I don't like it that I've found myself saying "A Win's a Win" a little too frequently in reference to Novak these past 7-8 months.
Contrary to what you might have read in the last paragraph, a win is in fact a win, and I don't like that far too many fans (Fedophiles and otherwise) will begrudge Djoko this win.
Conversely, I don't like it that far too many Djoko fans will go totally overboard in their 'lording it' over the Fedophiles.
I don't like it that from the end of the 2nd set Djoko's 'gameplan' was, for the most part, to simply put the ball into play.
I don't like it that, with Nadal out, Roger comprehensively buggered up his best chance at a Masters event since God knows when. It would have been his first since Cincy 07. I don't even remember who he played in the final.
I don't like it that, even though I rooted for Djoko's return to the winners table, harped on incessantly about how it would benefit the top of the game, that the shoots of his recovery (if that's what they are) came in the face of the worst display of tennis I think I've seen from Roger since Cincy 06 when he went down in a stinking, steaming heap to Andy Murray.
I don't like it that we're now going to have the obligatory two weeks of amateurish exchanges between the doom-mongerers that see this as 'the beginning of the end' and those that insist that 'this was nothing more than a bad day at the office'. It isn't either.
I don't like it that I'm finding it hard to admit that Djoko might be back to something like his best. Not until "I see him pull off a straight set win against a more solid player..", I exclaimed. Well Tsonga is considered a 'solid player' isn't he? Or is he no longer a member of that clique in this crazy tennis world of ours? And now his casualty list includes TMF. Oh and don't forget his dismantling of Berdych a couple of rounds back.
No I don't like it at all...