Nadal d. Ferrero 6-4 6-2
He lost only two games in reaching the quarters – and only a further six in putting paid to the Mosquito.
Is there still an elephant in the room?
If there is, I should imagine it’s fearing extinction.
That said, I’m still happy to err on the side of caution.
I don’t think we can dismiss what happened in the second half of that match in Miami as an irrelevance.
I’ve no doubt that Rafa will rebound on his favourite surface – I only expect the journey to be a little bumpier this time round.
The upshot of course, is I won’t be catastrophising in the way I expect much of the media too if, God forbid, he somehow doesn’t win all three of Monte/Barca/Rome – which probably ought to be collapsed into a single title anyway, with Rafa getting a bye to the final each year.
Djokovic d. Nalbandian 6-2, 6-3
Tis a shame.
Not the cheesepuff victory pose (though that too is, in it’s own way, quite damning).
This should have been match of the day, but Daveed never really got going and truth be told wasn’t really allowed to (No matter Daveed – you still win the ‘hippest’ hip surgery award).
Not that I’m complaining - Nole was arguably the second best clay courter out there last year – if he’s begun finding his feet on clay (rather than his feet of clay) it exponentially increases our chances of a Rafa/Nole final.
I hear they hit a good ball on dirt.
(Photos by Julian Finney/Getty Images)