Suffice to say that I don't like it. It's not just the overly-contrived nature of it all.
It's just...not Roger. Or Wimbledon for that matter.
I get the feeling that Nike lost their way a little. As in let's fling all these heterogeneous baubles at him and hope he carries it off, which he probably will being Mr Destiny and all.
I get that he needed a sleeker, more modern look to distinguish himself from young Murray cableknit, I really do. And bravo for trying something a little different. Did we really need that bling bling manbag though?
It's trying rather too hard, with too much and all at once.
Swiss Military Jacket + White Waistcoat + Reject from Serena's handbag collection = What sorta look exactly?
Roger doesn't need all that. Not to mention how at odds it is with his understated classic appeal.
It's not a complete disaster.
Nike have simply lost focus in the clamour of trying to outshine Murray and clothing Mr Destiny in a manner that befits him.
Then there's the waistcoat.
This at least is more in keeping with what most people have come to expect from him.
Still think having that military jacket worn over it reeks desperation, but the waistcoat is very Roger, and he just about pulls it off.
Can't help thinking someone's pinched his cricket pads though, or that there should be an extra slip or two standing to his right...
Bottom line is he won, and rather well I might add. Djoko came through too. As did Serena and Sharapova. Just like I hope Murray will tomorrow.
I think I've had enough of Tsunami-like natural disasters masquerading as Tennis Upsets for a while.
Let's keep things simple shall we? As in boom-boom, off court in little over an hour - thankyouverymuch.
Back to the good old days of top seeds getting through the first week without dropping a set. Boring? Maybe, but we need some order and harmony restored.
These guys swaggering around at their fancy dress party are tempting fate.