6-0 6-0 in 47 mins.
And she didn’t face a single break point. Nor did she lose a single point on her first serve. Not one.
“It was me being focused,” Williams said. “I’ve always said if I play my best no one can beat me. Hopefully I can get back to that level.”
Hell, that’s not even a brag (let alone a humblebrag) – more like a demonstrable law of nature.
Guess that means she’s “back”.
Except we’ve always known that words like that simply don’t feature in Serena’s tennis altereality (neither do “form” and “momentum”). And it bears repeating that Rodionova ain’t even a top 50 player – never has been. But then she ain’t canon fodder either…or, at least, not the type of canon fodder that fails to win even a single game.
So yeah, unsurprisingly surprising. Parrot green ecstasy for her fans. Crisis talks for her “not a fans” and players in her section of the draw. Speaking of which:
“She’s coming back and she’s winning again,” Kirilenko said of Williams. “I need to be focused every minute.”
I’m no Kiri fan, but you have to love how she takes the edge off her imminent destruction with the word “focus”. You can do it with almost anything:
“It’s no longer a question of when but if Murray will win a Slam….he needs to be focused every minute.”
“I’ve spent nearly three unsuccessful years trying to unify Quantum Mechanics with the General Theory of Relativity…..I need to be focused every minute.”
”The worlds biggest economy may default - may not even be able to send out welfare cheques come Tuesday next week…..we have to be focused every minute.”
Assuming Serena doesn’t catastrophically implode between now and Friday, or that “focus” isn’t all its cracked up to be (and it really isn’t, not in itself) Serena will meet Masha in R3.
YES I’ve heard about the “womance” (that is what they’re calling it right?):
“I really like playing Maria and I really admire her and never giving up and developing the confidence that she has… Always just walking around and having so much aplomb, it’s good. I always admired that, it’s really cool.”
…..NO it doesn’t surprise me that two of the greatest competitors this sport has ever seen should have something like mutual admiration.
But then neither do I think there’ll be anything other than cat claws, fire and brimstone on court come Friday. You really do need to focus if you do, and more than just “every minute”.